Top10 SQL Functions for Data Analysis

Top10 SQL Functions for Data Analysis

Top10 SQL Functions for Data Analysis

1. Aggregate Functions:

  • COUNT():
      • Syntax: COUNT(expression)
      • Description: Counts the number of rows in a result set based on the specified expression.
  • SUM():
      • Syntax:SUM(expression)
      • Description: Calculates the sum of values in a numeric column based on the specified expression.
  • AVG():
      • Syntax: AVG(expression)
      • Description:Computes the average of values in a numeric column based on the specified expression.
  • MIN():
      • Syntax: MIN(expression)
      • Description: Finds the minimum value in a column based on the specified expression.
  • MAX():
    • Syntax: MAX(expression)
  • Description: Finds the maximum value in a column based on the specified expression.
2. Mathematical Functions:
    • ROUND():
      • Syntax: ROUND(number, decimals)
      • Description: Rounds a numeric value to the specified number of decimal places.
    • CEIL() or CEILING():
      • Syntax: CEIL(number) or CEILING(number)
      • Description: Rounds a numeric value up to the nearest integer.
    • FLOOR():
      • Syntax: FLOOR(number)
      • Description: Rounds a numeric value down to the nearest integer.
    • ABS():
      • Syntax: ABS(number)
      • Description: Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.
    • POWER():
      • Syntax: POWER(base, exponent)
      • Description: Raises a numeric value to the power of another.
Top10 SQL Functions for Data Analysis
Top10 SQL Functions for Data Analysis

3.String Functions:

        • CONCAT() or CONCATENATE():
          • Syntax: CONCAT(string1, string2, …)
          • Description: Concatenates two or more strings.
        • SUBSTRING() or SUBSTR():
          • Syntax: SUBSTRING(string, start, length) or SUBSTR(string, start)
          • Description: Extracts a substring from a string.
        • LENGTH() or LEN():
          • Syntax: LENGTH(string) or LEN(string)
          • Description: Returns the length of a string.
        • UPPER():
          • Syntax: UPPER(string)
          • Description: Converts a string to uppercase.
        • LOWER():
          • Syntax: LOWER(string)
          • Description: Converts a string to lowercase.
        • TRIM():
          • Syntax: TRIM([leading | trailing | both] characters FROM string)
          • Description: Removes leading and/or trailing spaces from a string.

4. Date and Time Functions:

            • NOW():
              • Syntax: NOW()
              • Description: Returns the current date and time.
            • DATE():
              • Syntax: DATE(datetime)
              • Description: Extracts the date portion from a datetime value.
            • TIME():
              • Syntax: TIME(datetime)
              • Description: Extracts the time portion from a datetime value.
            • DATEDIFF():
              • Syntax: DATEDIFF(interval, start_date, end_date)
              • Description: Calculates the difference between two dates.
            • DATEADD():
              • Syntax: DATEADD(interval, value, start_date)
              • Description: Adds a specified time interval to a date.

5. Logical Functions:

                • CASE WHEN():
                  • Syntax: CASE
                  •     WHEN condition1 THEN result1
                  •     WHEN condition2 THEN result2
                  •     …
                  •     ELSE else_result
                  • END
                  • Description: Performs conditional logic within a query.
                • COALESCE():
                  • Syntax: COALESCE(value1, value2, …)
                  • Description: Returns the first non-null expression in a list

6. Window Functions:

    • ROW_NUMBER():
      • Syntax: ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
      • Description: Assigns a unique number to each row within a partition of a result set.
    • RANK():
      • Syntax: RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
      • Description: Assigns a rank to each row based on the values in one or more columns.
    • DENSE_RANK():
      • Syntax: DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
      • Description: Similar to RANK(), but without gaps between rank values.
    • LEAD():
      • Syntax: LEAD(column, offset, default_value) OVER (ORDER BY order_column)
      • Description: Accesses data from subsequent rows within the result set.
    • LAG():
      • Syntax: LAG(column, offset, default_value) OVER (ORDER BY order_column)
      • Description: Accesses data from previous rows within the result set.

7. Grouping Functions:

    • GROUP BY():
      • Syntax: GROUP BY column1, column2, …
      • Description: Groups rows based on the values in specified columns.
    • HAVING():
      • Syntax: HAVING condition
      • Description: Filters group rows based on a specified condition.


8. Conversion Functions:

  • CAST():
    • Syntax:CAST(expression AS data_type)
    • Description: Converts a value from one data type to another.
  • CONVERT():
    • Syntax:CONVERT(data_type, expression, style)
    • Description: Converts a value from one data type to another, with an optional style parameter for date and time conversions.

9. Conditional Functions:

  • IFNULL() or ISNULL():
    • Syntax:IFNULL(expression, value_if_null) orISNULL(expression, value_if_null)
    • Description: Returns the specified value if the expression is NULL.
  • NULLIF():
    • Syntax:NULLIF(expression1, expression2)
    • Description: Returns NULL if the two expressions are equal; otherwise, returns the first expression.

10. Aggregation with DISTINCT:

  • SUM(DISTINCT column):
    • Syntax:SUM(DISTINCT column)
    • Description: Calculates the sum of distinct values in a numeric column.
  • AVG(DISTINCT column):
    • Syntax:AVG(DISTINCT column)
    • Description: Computes the average of distinct values in a numeric column.
  • COUNT(DISTINCT column):
    • Syntax:COUNT(DISTINCT column)
    • Description: Counts the number of distinct values in a column.

11. String Pattern Matching:

  • LIKE:
    • Syntax:column LIKE pattern
    • Description: Matches a column value against a specified pattern using wildcard characters (% and _).
    • Syntax:SUBSTRING(string FROM POSITION(substring IN string))
    • Description: Retrieves a substring starting from the position of another substring in the main string.
    • Syntax:column REGEXP pattern
    • Description: Matches a column value against a regular expression pattern.

12. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Functions:

  • UTCNOW():
    • Syntax:UTCNOW()
    • Description: Returns the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    • Syntax:GETUTCDATE()
    • Description: Returns the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


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